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Writer's picture: Shelby HiggenbottomShelby Higgenbottom

by Hank Crimbo

Thursday night the wind shifted. "I think that's when it got particularly nauseating," said Melinda Grub. "I found myself retching at least once a quarter hour. Horrible. " For many residents like Melinda there is no relief in sight as the offshore winds have started to bring an unfamiliar guest along with the breeze: a powerful stink.

"It's pretty clear what we're dealing with," said Bimbay Traverse a local beach-goer. "My question is why isn't anyone in our government doing anything about those whales?"

Local Man Attempts the #WhaleSlapChallenge

And he's right. The city council has been slow to act on removing the dead killer whales from Abner Hoag memorial beach beyond having the sheriff station guards and caution tape. Some of the whales have even begun rotting in the Florida sun. Opponents have accused city council member Richard Baysbahn of dragging his feet on addressing the whale issue in hopes of procuring the land cheaply for a golf course.

"It's a shame." said Bimbay.

"The beach is ruined. It was a nice beach and then on top of the whales you have the teens out here doing whatever gross thing the teens are doing trying to high five these dead whales or whatever. "

City council member, Richard Baysbahn refused to comment on the delay or on a potential timeline for the whale removal. But he did send over a brochure containing an artist's rendering of a very nice private golf course.

One of many dead whales strewn across Abner Hoag memorial beach

There is one potential bright spot, it's rumored a sheriff's deputy was seen purchasing multiple chainsaws and heavy duty trash bags, the hope is the sheriff's department is going to take on this problem themselves. However until these whales are gone Fakahatchee will just have to continue holding our noses.



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